George Montgomery Anderson

February 5 1991

Age 22, Houston, Austin

above, faked death, below, actual death

February 6 2002

Age 33, Austin


see clipping below

Why do we have TWO obituaries for him? 11 years apart...

There seems to be more actual evidence for the 2002 one,
but how do you explain the one for 1991??? It was a faked death

In January 2024 I received this information:

Hello, I knew Monty and his late ex boyfriend in the late 1980s.
His ex boyfriend and my close friend Rick Robbins ( who died
of AIDS related complications on October 27, 2000) had gotten
Monty involved in an Austin based Washington march pledge
drive as a volunteer coordinator, where he promptly stole a fairly
large sum of money intended for it. Monty also was implicated in
another retail theft as a manager in the early 90s. He faked his
death the first time around to fend off various creditors and persons
that were naturally angered by his drama filled, youthful indiscretions.

I requested more clarifaction, and received...

Yes, "Monty" George Montgomery Anderson appears to have really
died in 2002 on February the 6th. He was diagnosed in 1987 as HIV+,
had become involved in the March on Washington Foundation through
his former lover Rick Robbins participation and had stolen money both
from Rick and the volunteer foundation. He faked his death in 1991 to
throw off various people. I last saw him alive in Austin in the early
1990's while he was working as a district manager of a chain of local
Subway restaurants. It's a sad thing to have known a person during
his better days and for his life turned out to be so tragic at the end of it.

This was so unusual I posted about it on Facebook...